Anyway. Last time I posted was July. That feels like a lifetime ago because so much has happened. The firebirth that was busy season has passed, and the year is blessedly over. I went to Bikram for the first time in a year this morning and I'm determined to get back in shape over the next few weeks that I have a break. I haven't quite worked out how to balance work and regular life yet. My busy season was pretty brutal in a lot of ways - long in hours and in weeks. I had two listed clients and one immense private company that all came with their own set of challenges. I wish (wish) I could talk about them because they - and particularly the private company - were so damn interesting.
Once busy season ended (which was really only about a month ago), I remembered again how awesome my job can be. I've had days off, client lunches, christmas parties, lawn bowls and more free drinks than I could possibly imagine. Ask me again in February and I'm sure I'll be back to hating it, but the last few weeks have been great.